
We help you care for your trees.

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Why Pruning?

When is it finally time to remove that tree? Ideally, before the worst happens.

A lot of times, a tree can become so familiar that it’s hard to imagine what your yard would be like without it. They’re beautiful, they create shade, attract wildlife, and make a lovely sound in the breeze, but sometimes an old or decaying tree can be much more harm to keep than it’s worth.

It is often a difficult decision to let a tree go, but it’s important to look at the big picture. Consider the future of your property and how the tree is likely to progress, and think about the issues we outline for you below.

We recommend that a dead or dying tree be removed as soon as you recognize it. The longer you put it off, the more dangerous the tree can become, and the more dangerous it can be to remove it.

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How it works

  • The tree is dead or unhealthy. Take notice if the top of the tree or branches are dying back, or the trunk shows signs of decay.

  • The tree was damaged in a storm. If enough of the tree was damaged it may be beyond repair.

  • The tree is growing too close to – or the roots are encroaching on- your house, barn, utility lines or other structures.

  • The tree is leaning in a dangerous direction, like toward your house, driveway, deck or your childrens’ play area. Sometimes this is not so obvious!

  • The tree drops troublesome leaves or needles, sap, seeds, cotton, and/or branches.

  • The tree is blocking your views or is creating too much shade and inhibiting your lawn to grow.

  • You are planning landscape renovations that would damage the tree.

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When do you Prune a tree

Dead, damaged, and diseased branches should be removed as soon as possible. Otherwise, the best time to prune is in late winter, early spring, just before the tree begins to open its buds. Some trees, such as maple and dogwood, will bleed sap at this time of year. This bleeding should not harm them.

While pruning can be done anytime, it is always good to avoid hot dry periods and extreme winter cold. If you do prune trees after the leaves have opened, be sure to allow them to fully develop their leaves plus some additional time to recoup the energy they used.

Pricing for tree pruning varies by the scope of the job. We are happy to stop by to have a look at your trees and give you an estimate for the required work.